Plenty of people are going to read into this the wrong way, and I could really care less. But, in my HONEST opinion (which doesn't count because Cynic beat me last round on votes), MadFlex took this one. Cynic in his first verse seemed composed, then was pissed in his second verse as if what Flex said pissed him off. While Flex stayed composed. The sound quality was better from Flex (though I don't look at that in a battle, it's pointless), and I only say it in agreement with other opinions. Cynic's flow sometimes seemed forced, as did a couple of parts from MadFlex.
They both had a couple of good flips in their responses that stood out more than the rest of the punches thrown, however it sounded to me like MadFlex threw more punches throughout the battle. So that's my opinion, because a "vote" from me on this one wouldn't count anyway.
Good job to both of you for a battle well fought.