
104 Audio Reviews

57 w/ Responses

Teqneek to advance. The freestyle wasn't bad, but this isn't a freestyle battle. While freestyling shows skills, punches and personals, flips and flow wins battles. Teqneek slaughtered with his first verse, and the last 4 bars were comical, but should've been anyway. Sorry Lil C, this is a battleground and you just laid down.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

HAHAHAHAAAAAAA This ACTUALLY was a close battle. Regardless of X's quality being shitty and his P's popping like CRAZY, he had good personals and GREAT punches. Suddle did as well, and his flow was on POINT. Parts of your verses, though, Suddle, sounded too much like making a "song" as opposed to a diss track so be careful of that. I want to see another round. Regardless of quality, X did his thing, and it took round 2 for Suddle to try and put him away.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

LMAO @ Mao flipping Chainsaw's disses of his music. Yes, I did do that in Round 1 of last year. I understood where Mao was coming from with his disses (not sure why everyone else couldn't?), and Chainsaw had some great personals as well. Y'all will hate me, but I'm not picking a winner. I call a draw.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

o.O I'm not leaving a massive review on this track. DJ sounded like Soulja Boy and was beefing himself up which doesn't work in a battle. John did sound like he was battling and was throwing more punches and flips. DJ had a few flips, but lacked in personals. I give this one to John off punches alone.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

Wait...P reppin' Philly? Nice. I'm just outside of Philly. Anway, I still have to give it to Wyze, though.

P, your first 8 bars sounded like you were recording a song...not a diss track. You beefed yourself up and told "kids" to play with their toys. You're battling Wyze, come out swinging at him specifically man! I did like your link up of Steve Irwin or Erwin or whatever. And since PA is on the coast, the next line flowed smoothly. But that was your only attempt at a diss in the entire verse.

Wyze, breath control is CRUCIAL. Breathe, man! Nice play on him being from Philly and calling his career a crash like Cassidy's car. I like the flip on Steve's ghost, though it was pretty predictable and generic. Ending it off the way you did talking about the oil spill from BP was clever.

The next verse by P was, again, lacking in punches or personals. Your flow was on point throughout the entire battle. Your attempt at flipping Wyze's punch on Cassidy's car worked, but was also generic. The Clipper line got a laugh from me, but I agree with Flex. Punches win battles, and unfortunately neither verse had much.

Wyze came out swinging with the gay jokes in his second verse. They're always old to hear in battles (everyone's gay I guess), but he was connecting P's residence and lyrics, so no points taken off for that. He worked the contradiction well with being light, so P can't be faster then Wyze. The rest up until the last line was filler, IMO. But "I see P sucks" and connecting the punch on Juggalo's was a perfect way to end it.

I have to give this one to Wyze based off of punches. P's flow was better, but Wyze hit him with more personals.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

I had to listen to this twice. Both flows were off tempo and hard to listen to. But here it goes:

Ax started it off with generic calling generic...well...generic. I like the research of his music and him personally. Calling out someone's government never works in a battle unless they have somewhat of a girl's name to make fun of. But the punches weren't there, and the disses were just basically telling him he's not tough.

Fat attached Ax's age, and getting caught masturbating was kind of chuckle worthy. You pointed out his choppy flow and the fact he did research with sarcasm, which sort of worked for you. Again, the personal attacks weren't really there and the disses were kind of generic.

He's not leaving his basement...Well, it's a battle and it's not life or death lol. But it's true. Nobody's getting worked up over a battle on NG. The wordplay on his fabrications tearing at the seams, then jumping into the punch of people calling him fat because he's obese really worked at this point. Can't marry his cousin was a good personal as well. The tampon line didn't work at all, sexually deviant grandson didn't work either.

Fat ended it off defending himself and added a bunch of filler doing so. Sex offender punch was good. The speak-n-spell line had me laughing. The ending was good, old english quote.

But that was it...I think I'll have to go for FatBeats. No offense to Ax, but your flow was way off and forced worse than Fat's. This was difficult to judge just based off of all verses being generic. But Fat to advance. Just step it up for your next battle, whomever advances.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

I'm going to have to give this one to Blest. Barely. I don't consider quality when listening, because not everyone has a pro setup. Both verses were crisp and clear, easy to understand. Rampant tried in his first verse to smash on the US, which wasn't a bad approach. Then proceeded to mix up a recipe for disaster for Blest stating what Rampant was cooking would basically just be his verse all over again in round two. Again, not a bad idea. However, the gay jokes are getting old, so minus immediately for that. The politician diss was personally weak in my opinion.

Blest came back and flipped all his questions, then asked how many questions he was going to ask. The flip on the US diss wasn't as strong as it could've been, but it wasn't bad either. You definitely came off sounding like a monotone Eminem. The Dr. Suess line was decent, but the Whitney Houston line was KILLER.

Rampant came back with the monotone line, drawing it out with the audience hating his music, and him putting a bullet in his head and coming back. The Stephen Hawkins line was the best one since the beginning of the verse.

The suicide flip was better, the Avril line was decent, pointing out his vocal effects wasn't bad. The ending left me wanting. I'd have to say the second verse wasn't as strong diss-wise as your first verse. But it was enough to pull it off.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

People are unfair for no reason lol

This piano is definitely hittin' in this track. I'm a sucker for strings and piano's. I'm feeling the imagery as well, you tell a good story. The only critique in the verse I can give is making your words sound more clear. It's not I don't understand them, but the word "boss" sounds like you're saying "baws" lol.

In the hook, it needs to be either beefed up, or some of the vocals brought down in the background. It seems like it should be real chill, so a softer voice should be used. Or maybe with more energy and lower in volume with an echo in it. More emotion goes a long way for the listener in terms of relating to the topic. We have to be able to feel it.

Overall, great job. You're coming along well in both your writing and your recordings. Vocals are crisp and clear.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

Blasphem-E responds:

Thanks nimbus.

RE: Hook: The first few mixes of this had a lot bigger echos, but most feedback I got said the echos were too loud, so this is what came out. I know what you mean though.

Good looking out man, still waiting for that album.


First verse:

No good dissing him saying he sounds just like someone he just beat. A mountain lion butt fucking a rabbit is a comical image lol and not a bad punch. Most of the rest was pretty simplistic "leave you in nothing but tears". Telling him he has a website without a career is good, but voicing your opinion on his beats is personal preference and not a great diss. Cutting his life short instead of him having to commit suicide was a decent ending.

Second verse:

The first good bar was saying his flow is broken and needs a cast plastered. I thought that was a creative way of saying that. He also pointed out how simple "tears/fears" was rhymed in your diss. Between was pretty much filler. How can someone be a target in the dark without night vision? Noting that you're better than the challengers he's beaten is eh, but calling out his name and watching Deep Space Nine was funny. It could've worked against you for knowing that, though regardless if you watched the show or not. Calling him an embarrassment to the art was a good out.

Verse 3:

The Justin Beiber line was good. Flow like Katrina was good, following it with calling him old. Following the leader worked against you, though, because you're either saying you're looking up to him as a leader, or you can't lead yourself and need someone else to do it for you. You may have meant it in the sense that Wyze was following you, but because of the way it came out it didn't sound that way. Got this battle on lock without turning the key was a good ending.

Verse 4:

What KILLED this whole verse (and I don't care about the rest of the verse at this point) "I'm Katrina compounded by FEMA/mixed with an earthquake and meltdown of a volcano I'm not going to try to spell/...a tsunami in Indonesia" KILLED IT. Pounding you upon a Prius...not so much. But a Prius is a pretty gay car to get "pounded" on lol.

Verse 5

The only good bar you snapped on: "And when I say I eat you I meant I ate you as in I already beat you"

Verse 6

Your flow sounded horribly forced, and I couldn't catch much to comment on, honestly.


I'd have to give it to Wyze. 2 out of 3 verses he killed the flow and had better bars and harder punches. 2 out of 3 verses for Mug were softer in terms of punches. I would've went more at the fact he's from Canada (unless it was done earlier in the competition), i.e. Canadian Bacon, Degrassi, etc. Wyze just held it together better, had better punches, and better lines. Mug had a cleaner flow, but was weaker on the punches. No offense to anyone involved in the battle, but this is my vote.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

HDC responds:

Thanks for the vote man, good breakdown


Hip-Hop Artist


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