
57 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Yo this is nice fam

I like how it switched up, and the background instruments were nice as well. A well rounded remake. And don't worry about all the haters fam, it's natural. They hate because they know we're better at what we do. I just keep it movin', keep uploadin' good tracks so they can keep gettin' mad.

Keep doin' you fam.

Nimbus The General

Detonation3 responds:

Hey man thanks for the review, and yeh ill let these haters do wat ever they want to try and keep meh down, but in the end people like you an me will always come out on top!

Edit: I just rememberd what you said "a well rounded remake", it made me think of the 1st string in the beginning, i noticed in the real song when it loops over it doesnt flow and wheni first heard the real song I was like dam, this is by a pro and its even got screw ups in it haha, but still a good song and a good rapper.

Aye Yo

I can't really say I'm into this genre of music, but this was really good. Y'all both did a great job on this one fam. I'm a sucker for a great sounding piano, so that's what's up.

LK412 responds:

Thx for the review man! Glad u loved the piano!!


Not original with the synth, and especially an industry beat, but the lyrics were on point. Emulation is a difficult thing to do, especially if it's not normally your style of music, so kudos on that. Definitely a good track, one that deserves a spot on a mixtape.

Good job on this one.

mseemercury responds:

thx brotha

Well...I just want to say

I'll give you at least a one. But only because you pretend to be such a boss. The track was okay, nothing special, and your lyrics could've been better had you switched topics for once in your life.

Oh yeah...talk about being exposed? Lejin Almighty Records new artist Jerkins (as if that was an actual label) rippin' Spawn? Yo, you're the biggest liar on this website (bigger than what's his face sellin' his beats for 5Gs). That track wasn't even about Spawn, it was Jerkins vs. Mastermind. And he's not a part of your imaginary record label. Don't worry though, if this comment gets deleted I'll just keep a copy of it and post it on my page where everyone can see it.

Keep being fake. You talk about all the fake ones, but your'e the biggest one of all man. ELL OH ELL. You retards make me laugh.

Lejin responds:

Hey arent that washed up over aged rapper wannabe with the boring raps who flopped hard at the youtube rap contest? I heard you got so discouraged and admitted wanting to quit rap.

Good choice cause you suck and your never gonna get signed at this rate. Your too old you missed your boat already you old stressbag. good luck on that dick ride campaign MC NumbBUTT, but remember:

We getting money ova here you gettin mad ova there, git maaaaaaaaad you pathethic washed up no name rapper wannabe broke ass cracker.

WE RuN THiS SHiiiiiiiT!!!! BOOOOOM!!! im a BOSS go fake laugh on ventrillo you panicing old flopping no name piece of shit hahaha youll never in your life be worth hip hop NG's #1 artist's attention.

This is REAL ova FAKE. Get on your job n hate it. Cause we love it. =D

That truth hurts!
Go pop a pain pill and vote zero =D Feel better in the morning...

unless that heart attack kicks in during those Big Bad Lejin Nightmares you keep suffering from getting no sleep trying to weezle your way into get noticed by having hip hop NG's #1 artist's name in your mouth.

Hug the floor rock bottom.


Funny how this is Lejin vs. Warspawn, but everything you played of Spawn (which was grossly uneven with what you played for Lejin...nut hugger) was against that Jerkins guy. So how is this Lejin vs. Spawn? What a DJ lol. You just as fake as Lejin, Rav, and the rest of 'em lmfao!!! I'll be up on Harlem next month, tell Lejin come battle me face to face if he ain't scared.


BxRed responds:

O WOW!!! No WaY!! sO Diz is the Wrong Guy??? DAM>> I didnt no that !! lOLZ.. O MAN.. come on Nimbus I no the trackz and of course i no who the two tracks were for.. Dam u dont no whatz being a DJ!! so dont say am fake cuz u shouldnt even be talkin... U startin with me.. then u dealin with Bx and thatz it.. If u got a problem with me and what i do then Let me noe.. what ever u wrote now it dont phaze me... so Hop off and stay with ur Shyt.. if u even rap still...

But listen i dont really care if u comin to harlem cuz itz aint my ho0d so do what ever u want but just dont tell me to tell lej.. If u typed it to me.. then u can Type it to him ur own Self.. if u hav a problem with Lej then u deal wit it by tellin him!! aiight my nikka.. XD Nice try

ANd O yea Lejin said he COngrats u on humiliating urself on losin the YouTube Rap COntest and ur Floppin talents have no equal... Except for Ses.


Dj 718

BX Stand UP!!


I give it a 4 because the beat was good. Rav, however, is garbage on a mic. Will someone teach this dude how to rap with a clear voice? Don't y'all know anything about post production?

The boy talks so much about being gay you'd figure he'd know better than anyone (which means I'm accusing him of being gay himself, to know so much about it). Wow...garbage lol. Oh, and before y'all say it (I know it's coming), trust me I won't get mad, I'm actually laughing at this. It's kind of funny in a sad, sad way...

If he'd just learn how to rap that would improve his chances. Back to the drawing board with this one y'all.

Lejin responds:

Hey dont come dragging the rest of us down with all your problems your going through. If your gonna quit rapping because you failed thats your personal problem. We will not be held responsible for any heart attacks you suffer.

Holy shit

If I could make beats I'd take this. Piano and string instruments are my all time favorite to work with on a track, and this sound is no exception. If someone puts a track over the melody, let me know and I'll rip it, because this is raw shit.

S-Rock responds:

Thanks man, I appreciate your Review. specially if you wanna rip over it.. once someone makes a Hip hop beat over it I'll will be happy to let you know.

Yo this is hott

Fuck Lucrazer and Lejin (they may be the same damn people), they wouldn't know what a proper track is supposed to sound like. For crying out loud Lejin used fuckin' Paper Planes to rap over. Anyway, Lucrazer is either Lejin on a fake account, or one of Lejin's dick riders, and I'd guess if not the former then definitely the latter.

The intro was the shit, and when the track dropped it was nothing but sick from start to finish. Big ups, it's something I can't do, I just write and perform lyrics.

Stay up fam,

S-Rock responds:

:) I know
Kind of sad.

What's good fam?

Gave a 8. For your age, and especially from the reviews, I'd say this is a good track. Not particularly right for the beat you spit on, but like you said, you had to get it out. I do, however, agree with the last comment below me. Work on wordplay. I don't agree that the words weren't very moving. They had more meaning that people want to think.

Not many people discuss the struggle. I'd say start out working on 16 bar verses, 4 bar (repeat, or 8 straight) choruses. 3 verses to a song. You master that, then work on the wordplay. These lyrics are simple, but they convey a message. I'd say just polish the simplicity out of it, use more similies and medaphores. "Like" and "as if" work very well when describing next to anything.

Oh, and a Thesaurus. Writer's best friend so you don't repeat words in every song.

I liked it, especially the chorus. I wouldn't change that at all fam.

Stay up.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Yeah I've been sort of taking a break from spittin', working on my worldplay and whatnot like I've been told. Thanks for the great review though. Appreciate it when people actually take time to say something relevant. Someday you'll see me at the top of the list here ;) Thanks a lot for puttin' me in your favorites.

You didn't kill me

Why you scared to battle me Lejin? But you steady tellin' people that you have yet to lose a battle. I already called you out, then I called you out in comments and got banned by NG from leaving reviews for a couple of days because you went cryin' to them.

But I guess the truth hurts right? You don't want to get what your boy Linez got, so you scared. At least Linez got balls and gets respect. You just beg for it. This track is garbage fam, so once again I'll call you out to battle. You ain't scared, then prove you have yet to lose.

Lejin responds:

Thats because your already dead... compliments to linezo LMFAO

fuck a youtube keyboard wangsta poppen that racist shit riding so much dick he got himself a NumbBUTT!

The truth hurts you.... in the ASS ouch!


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