Still no word from Tom on whether or not he will up my total upload space to put up this newly recorded track. I will also be getting back in the studio to record a new song (What If I Change?), and will HOPEFULLY be uploading that once it's finished (provided it's a small enough file). My demo for the MIDEM convention in France was given to Canadian/American Records, and I've got 20 demo cd's going to 20 different people at the convention. Also, Rebel Yell (Alabama Theme Song) was selected for a worldwide radio release disc that will come out at the end of January. This goes to radio stations worldwide, and hopefully some of those stations will be clear channel radio.
I've got alot of projects in the works, and I'm finishing up my first album to be recorded at the studio. Drop date is sometime around the beginning of summer. I'll let y'all know as it gets closer. For now, enjoy the music on here, and I'll try to get more up soon!
Stay up,
Nimbus The General
I forgot to mention that the song (Like Twist The Language did) goes to iTunes as well. My guess? Another Grammy nomination like last year.